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Source: Makey-Makey Musical Instruments STEAM Lesson Plan


Overview of the entire activity: Students will create musical instruments through using Scratch Coding (MIT) and a Makey Makey board. Learning to complete circuits makes this a great STEM activity. This is a great way to review science principles and make a connection to musical knowledge.


The target audience: Elementary General Music


The technology(ies) that was (were) utilized: Computers, Makey Makey, Scratch website, various classroom items that are conductive.


Cognitive process dimension according to Bloom’s Taxonomy:

Students are involved in the following cognitive process:

  • Identify of conductive materials needed to be an instrument

  • Select an instrument

  • Analyze the steps needed to create an instrument

  • Code using Scratch to create instrument

  • Perform on Makey-Makey instrument


Student-centered or teacher-centered learning:


Student-centered learning:

  • Cooperative learning groups to create instruments


Opportunity to refine:

  • Student shared performances

  • Group feedback

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